18,534 100%
I Must Feed My Chronic Masturbation Sperm Shooting Addiction, With More Masturbation.!. I Crave And Worship The God Of Dick And His Tasty Sperm.!.
I love this man. He is the king of masturbators. I aspire to be like him. I'm chronically addicted to masturbating my cock. Like him, I love my cock and am IN love with my cock. I'm a proud, depraved cock and cum loving pervert. I would travel to the USA to spend even a few days (a week for a month) so we can masturbate and encourage each other in the love of our cocks.
I love compulsive, addicted masturbaters who need to constantly shoot their sperm all over themselves.
I love to masturbate while listening to this guy talk about his penis! There's nothing better than having a penis and making love to it!